The Big Kill: Big Pharma and the CDC Openly Target Children

It’s official: The CDC wants to kill and maim our children. And if they don’t die or aren’t crippled by the mRNA vaccines that they’ve pushed on children, there’s an indecent chance that they’ll be sterile.

That’s not an overstatement, exaggeration or hyperbole. It’s fact.

And yet, despite the Over 16,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world who signed a declarationpublicly declaring that healthy children should NOT be vaccinated against Covid-19, that poses near zero risk to children, it was forced upon them by doctors, schools, school boards and frightened parents.

Today, despite the medical evidence provided by doctors, scientists and morticians in America, the U.K. and across Europe of unusually high vaccine fatalities among the young, despite the sudden deaths of hundreds of young athletes and school children, the myocarditis and pericarditis in thousands more, as well as the strokes and blood clots and brain damage, the CDC's Advisory Committee has voted 15-0 to recommend that the COVID-19 vaccine be included in school children’s vaccine schedule from 6 months of age and older.

Naturally, upon hearing the news, no doubt of which it knew well in advance, Pfizer was indecent enough to quadruple the price of each dose to capture that much more money off the injury and death of our kids.

Even though Pfizer executives are being called to testify before the European Parliament, where they admitted that the VACCINES HAD NOT EVEN BEEN TESTED, before selling them to the world. And even though the Florida Department of Health has determined that children should not take the vaccine, while the CDC wants your children vaxxed and then double and triple boosted, if not more, before they’re finally lowered into the ground.

Neither Pfizer nor the CDC were elected, and apparently, they answer to no one. What other conclusion can be reached, other than Big Pharma is out to kill and maim as many millions of children and adults as they can through controlled and enforced compliance...

That must be what Bill Gates, Tony Fauci and the CDC call, “disease control.” You can add Klaus Schwab, Albert Bourla and all the others who are playing God with the lives of billions of people.

They exhibit no regret.

No remorse.

No conscience.

But sooner than later, they will pay with their damned souls for what they’re doing–and what they’ve already done.


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